Thursday, October 20, 2016



                  France, officially the French Republic 'is a member of the European Union, France and the west of the district is located. Continent and in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans at resort, have belonged to the territory of the French islands.France unitary. Half full powers as President of the republics. (Semi presidential Republic) Basic policies of that country, "the rights of man and citizen expression," Here are the details. Metropolitan France, the English Channel and the North Sea, the Mediterranean Sea from the Rhine, stretching from the Atlantic OceanIt is often called "heksagon '(The Hexagon) said. It addressed its geometric shape due. Clockwise from the north, thus its borders. Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spain, and andora (Andorra) to France's overseas departments and the accumulated state land borders with Brazil, bordering French Guiana savurināmaya (Suriname), St. Martin boundary and the Netherlands Antilles by both sides are commonly owned.By tunnel underneath the English Channel in the United Kingdom and France are involved.
                   When by area, France is the largest European Union countries. Also, the third largest in Europe behind Russia and Ukraine will also France. European territories like French Guiana were with additional states and France, have taken 2nd place. France has been a strong economic, cultural, military and political influence that was on the major power for several centuries from.During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonized their portion of North America. Large area of ​​land in Southeast Asia, North, West and Central Africa, and many Pacific islands second largest of the empire.

Total Square Area         - 674,843 square km
Capital City                  - Paris
Language                      - France
President                       - Francois Hollande
Prime Minister              - Manuel Valls
Independence Day        -  July 14th 1789
Population                     - 66.03 million
Currency                       - Euro (EUR) 
Calling Code                 - 33


About Unknown -

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